Thursday, December 01, 2016

Grammar is the Greatest?

Fig. 1.  Is expression more important than content?  Is it more noticeable?  When and how is it appropriate to point out writing errors  (Wulff and Morganthaler)?

I've often thought that good content is more important than good expression.  I also read once a comment about writing TED Talks (you've probably seeing these captivating and somewhat charming monologues in which people who have done great things stand on a stage and tell what they did); the basic idea was that if someone had something important to say, it was relatively easy to help them compose the words with which to say it.

Of course the best combination is a winning idea with painless expression (you may hurt to write it, but your readers should not hurt to read it).

Work Cited

Wulff, Mikael and Anders Morganthaler.  Wumo.  16 Apr. 2016.


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