Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"Sonny's Blues"

"Sonny's Blues" is beautiful--especially the definition of the blues
What interests me in this story, besides the relationship between the brothers, is the relationship of the artist and her/his art, which brings me to Tim O'Brien who has said "stories can save us."

As readers, can stories save us?

As writers of stories, can the writing of the story save us?

And--let us go back to Sonny--what did playing the blues do for Sonny? For his brother (the narrator?) What does art (music, painting, literature...expand it some . . . sports, cooking, animal husbandry) do for those who practice it AS AN ART form?

What amazes, but shouldn't amaze, me is that in coming back to "Sonny's Blues" after a few years' absence opens the story for me further. I feel more of what Sonny feels. The sucessful story, yes, Flannery,you are right, expands in the mind.


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